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Pre-licensure BSN Program


**You do not need to apply to the NursingCAS if you are an incoming freshman or have not completed all prerequisites as you will be placed on the Pre-Nursing Track. Once you complete all your prerequisites you will be advised to apply to the BSN via NursingCAS.**

This information is for the 2024 Fall Admission Cycle.
FAQs are subject to change because of program revisions/updates. The changes will be posted in advance.

What are considered “pre-nursing courses”?

Pre-nursing refers to all courses except the Nursing Major NURS 300 and 400 labeled courses.

Do the pre-nursing classes have to be completed before applying to the program?

For application, you can still have some courses in progress for this summer which is during our application period for 2024. We will need to verify the GPA at completion of summer term. Thus, you would have to resubmit an official transcript at that time. You must have all courses completed by the end of summer to be considered for admission for the Fall semester.

Do the pre-nursing classes have to be completed before applying to the program?

For application, you can still have some courses in progress for this summer which is during our application period for 2024. We will need to verify the GPA at completion of summer term. Thus, you would have to resubmit an official transcript at that time. You must have all courses completed by the end of summer to be considered for admission for the Fall semester.

Could a student replace/substitute BIO 201 and 202 (Human A & P I and II) with BIO 341 (Anatomy) and BIO 342 (Physiology)?

BIO 201 and 202 are required. We are not able to substitute for those courses. This is a Board of Nursing requirement.

If all the pre-nursing requirements have been completed, is it possible to fulfill the nursing specific classes within four semesters or will it take longer?

The program is 5 semesters (2 years) because the program includes the summer semester.  So, those coming in Fall 2024 are scheduled to graduate in May 2026.

For Undergraduate admissions, do the scholarships transfer over automatically or will we have to apply for different scholarships?

Any merit-based scholarships will transfer over to the nursing program. It is laid out for 8 consecutive terms (Fall, Spring, Fall, Spring, ect). If you maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and take 12 or more credit hours per semester, you should not have any issues.

How many times can I take the TEAS Exam?

You can take it multiple times, though there is a fee for each time you take it. It is possible that the faculty will revise this requirement to include a maximum number of attempts. However, this is not in place currently.

How would Master’s or Doctoral prepared courses factor in when applying towards an undergraduate degree?

As a rule, we do not apply grad courses toward undergrad requirements. If the program felt strongly that a student has met a certain competency, they will reach out to me, and we’ll discuss options. If you send us your transcripts, we can be more specific about how it might apply.

Can I take courses to complete another major or a minor alongside taking nursing classes?

It is possible, but we will not permit additional classes until you have successfully completed your first semester of the Nursing major coursework. The nursing schedule is rigid, and you would have to register for courses that do not conflict with your nursing classes, which will be hard to do.

How long are the clinical days?

The clinical days are six to eight hours in most semesters. In the 5th (final) semester, you will have 12-hour clinical shifts to prepare you for a typical hospital work shift.

How would it work with being an athlete and having to miss certain days for travel?

Since athletic events are mostly held on Thursday and Friday’s, we are working to make sure all clinicals are earlier in the week. Clinical time is regulated by the State Board of Nursing, and we must make sure you get the allotted number of hours. Your absences are excused as a result of you being an UM athlete. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate their schedules to assigned faculty in advance and make-up any missed class content, assignments, clinical, etc.

Is there a choice on what we can take each semester?

No, the Nursing major has a specific course schedule. You are going to have set course days and times.

Is the TEAS required if I am transferring into the college?

Yes, you will have to take the TEAS regardless of if you are already enrolled or transferring into the nursing program.

Do you recommend us having all our prerequisites done before taking the TEAS Exam?

Yes, that is the ideal due to the content on the exam.

Where do we take the TEAS?

We have designed the testing so that you may take it at home using a remote proctor. For more information go to: TEAS Exam Information.

Is this program only daytime or are there evening classes?

This is a traditional BSN program, and classes will only be held during the morning/daytime hours (8am to 5pm). Exception to this is clinical hours. Clinicals will vary with start times as early as 6 AM. In the final semester, you will most likely have clinical shifts that extend into the evening (7am-7 PM). In the future, if we have a large demand for evening/nighttime classes we may consider this time frame

Can I take all the courses I need to get into the program at the University of Montevallo?

Yes, we teach all the general education and prerequisites required for the program.

Is there an interview to get into the program?

No, there is not an interview to get into the nursing program at this time.